
Virtual sailor 7 free full
Virtual sailor 7 free full

virtual sailor 7 free full

Please feel free to comment, criticise, discuss etc by contacting me at Or by putting your questions on any good VS fori (once you get the authorisation og the webmaster!!!) let me know by and I ll have look and try to answer. Therefore, there may be some mistakes or inaccuracies or my approach may be unconventional. spending hours on the beach training and people looking at me thinking what a weirdo: is he that lost to use a sextant ON a beach? ). However, one should not go at sea on the basis of the information contained or derived from this tutorial, but should satisfy him/herself that he/she has sufficient, proper and adequate training, instrumentation and equipment before and when going at sea, all in accordance with applicable laws and regulations I am in no way an expert in this area and everything I know, I have learned it by myself, through my readings and personal experience (e.g.

#Virtual sailor 7 free full how to

1.4 Notice: Users of the Virtual sextant and readers of this tutorial should bear in mind the following: (a) (b) (c) this tutorial will only deal with virtual sightings of the sun in VS7 other celestial bodies such as the stars, planets or the Moon will not be dealt with: it is much more complicated it s also customary to begin with the sun, which is a lot simpler to use in celestial navigation learning how to use the Virtual Sextant may facilitate learning celestial navigation or at least some of its theoretical aspects. If you take a good note of the time at which you measure that angle (also call the elevation ), you can derive extremely useful information about where you are at a certain time. So, although Virtual Sextant will not teach how to use, in practice, a sextant, it may help and facilitate the learning process with an actual sextant!!! 1.3 how does it work: the Virtual Sextant and any actual sextant work according to the same principle: it measures the elevation of sun (or any other celestial body) above the horizon, such an elevation being expressed in degrees.Ģ Practically speaking, Virtual Sextant and an actual sextant will bring the sun down to the horizon. What do you do in such a case? If you can t determine your position, you have a problem, and probably a big one. The reason is very simple: the system can breakdown, there s no power or a nasty wave floods the electric system.

virtual sailor 7 free full

1.2 why use a sextant: It may sound weird nowadays with GPS and satnav to want to learn how to use a sextant. I will write a more exhaustive and comprehensive tutorial on that subject later. The theory of celestial navigation and sextants will not be dealt with here. This tutorial will endeavour to be practical. Introduction Ilan Papini s VIRTUAL SAILOR 7 TUTORIAL USING THE VIRTUAL SEXTANT WITH VS7 By Frankie the Funky Sailor 1.1 Purpose of this tutorial: The purpose of this tutorial is to give some information about using the virtual sextant (the Virtual Sextant ) designed by Ilan Papini for his Virtual Sailor 7 ( VS7 ), and how to use the information obtained with the Virtual Sextant.

Virtual sailor 7 free full